Thursday 5 May 2016

Needle & Thread

I wish I could say I was a good sewer but it's a skill I am sadly lacking (though I hope to remedy this is the future).  Like most girls of my generation I started as a sewer and even as a child greatly enjoyed cross stitch and embroidery. I admired the work of the older women in my extended family, some of which is still in my possession today.

As a young teenager I made a few skirts, dresses and similar but by age 15 I was much more interested in horses and riding, dogs, livestock, gardening, sports, outdoor adventures and similar than I was in anything "inside" and domestic.  Still I've never really lost the part of me that yearns to be good with needle and thread and this is particularly so when I take out some of the pretty embroidered and cross stitched table cloths, tray cloths, doilies and other pieces I have in my possession.   Most of them are hand sewn, some are vintage and machine sewn and sometimes it's really a bit hard to tell because the hand-work is so amazingly good it looks "perfect" like that done by a machine.

Either way many of them really are lovely works of art are they not? 

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